The Calamites Ltd was originally founded by miner coworkers in 1995 as an engineering office.
The main activity of the company at the point of its foundation was the coal mining and coal marketing which was exercised during the operation of the rented Szászvár coal mine. For a short while a briquetting facility was also rented and operated, but with the fuel switching in the coal fired power plant the Szászvár mine was closed along with the other coal mines. After that the engineering activity has become the main profile of the company.
A large part of the income of the well running company was dedicated to acquiring and maintaining coal mining rights, which are still in the possession of the company. Presently the main activity is the mining and energy research, development, design and organization. Occasionally outside experts are involved in the individual professional projects. For certain professional works the company had obtained the ISO 9001-2008 Certificate from Det Norske Veritas.
One of our most outstanding jobs was the direct participation in the geological exploration for the low and medium radioactive waste storage in Bátaapáti for the Paks Nuclear Power Plant. The project included the overall preparation and permissioning procedure of the preliminary mining plans and that of the surface service buildings.
Our company has accumulated and possesses significant professional knowledge and has widespread Hungarian and international connections. We are in continuous consultations and cooperation whenever necessary with the Hungarian actors of mining (mining organization, and operation) and energy as well as with a series of leading international experts institutions, and engineering offices within and beyond Europe. Our work is supported by an extensive network of acknowledged Hungarian and foreign experts. An excellent professional cooperation network was established with Hungarian and foreign universities.
Calamites Ltd. owns the mining rights, the potential coal production possibility of significant coal resources. In the Nagymányok community area Calamites has a mining plot with the protected name “Nagymányok- I. szén”, while under the name “Máza-Dél-Váralja-Dél” a coal exploration right for the exploitation of nearly 450 million tons of geological resources is registered.
For the Máza-Dél-Váralja-Dél area the geological closing report has already been officially approved. The report was prepared with the cooperation of GEOS/Freiberg Germany and later audited by them.
Our Company believes that the formerly devaluated Hungarian coal resources shall once gain now come into the focus of the industry. Instead of the unprofitable burning of the coal in power plants we advise the assessment of the up to date coal processing technology which will cause an upturn in production. Calamites is an active member of the Mecsek Coal Cluster and the Hungarian Miners Association.
“The coal cannot be forbidden!”
(Presentation of Georg Oláh György at the MTA on 13.October 2009)
My name is dr. István Kalmar, I graduated as energy engineer, as economist and I am currently managing director of the Calamites Ltd. I have met Calamites Ltd the first time in 2006 and I have been working here since 2007.
My earlier career of several decades was determined mainly by large projects in the energy industry with the adaptation of the Hungarian knowledge and manufacturing abroad. I have always been a supporter of the identification and practical use of the most advanced technologies.
The Hungarian coal resource is a value which was ignored after the political system change. This ignorance hails worldwide mainly from the fact that coal was associated with the disadvantages of the earlier applications. At the same time, world market tendencies show that the exploitation and up to date use of the coal resources is a challenge which can create a basis for the long term success of a strong and successful enterprise.
Hence my latest mission targets the development of the so-called „clean coal technologies” and the exploitation of its advantages for the economy, mining, national economy and employment.
In cooperation with scientists of Hungarian and foreign universities, I would like to introduce the technologies and methods, which were already well proven in many places of the world, to Hungary.
Besides the introduction and adaptation of the methods and technologies, I would like to achieve the total overview and renewed evaluation of the value chain of the coal mining and coal processing under consideration of the profitability and the environment protection.
My target is to involve dedicated partners, who can recognize the expected intellectual and material profits through the financial, prestige and economic policy advantages when participating in the Hungarian clean coal. Partners who are continuously looking for exclusive projects by which they can realize competition advantages not only in the short but also for the long term.
Dear Potential Partner,
In case you are interested in our program, please contact my company, in order to obtain all the details about our plans. We trust that this unique opportunity opens a perspective for you also, and that this project can create an unprecedented economic success when working together.
Dear Potential Partner,
Should you be interested in our programs, please contact us so that our colleagues can answer your possible questions. Thank you!